Now from Gramophone
label of the year, Delphian Records comes the tantalising prospect of a
recently discovered work by Messiaen. In 2012, pianist Peter Hill was working
on Messiaen’s sketches when he came across several pages of manuscript that
appeared to be a fully completed work for piano. There is, Peter Hill tells us
in his excellent booklet notes, a note in the margin dating the composition to
August 1961 whilst he was staying at Petichet in the French Alps. The
realisation of the piece by Hill required deciphering of the composer’s pencil
manuscript and some work on the fragmentary middle section.
Peter Hill now
includes the premiere performance of the re-discovered piece, La Fauvette
Passerinette (The subalpine warbler) in a recital of other works by Messiaen
and a diverse range of composers such as Ravel, Stockhausen, George Benjamin,
Henri Dutilleux, Toru Takemitsu and Peter Sculthorpe.
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DCD34141 |
Peter Hill is no stranger to the piano works of Messiaen
having worked with the composer between 1986 and 1991 while recording the
complete piano works for Unicorn Kanchana. Hill cleverly divides his recital
into five sections, Prelude, Étude, Birds
and Landscapes, Memorial and Postlude.
The section headed Prelude
opens with Maurice Ravel’s
(1875-1937) Oiseaux tristes No2 from
Miroirs (1904-5). Hill, right from the beginning, opens out this music,
connecting it with later developments. It is his phrasing and crystalline touch
that add so much, assisted by the very clear and detailed recording. This is a
beautifully laid out performance.
Olivier Messiaen features
next in an early work, La Colombe No.1
from Huit Préludes (1928/9) where we hear this composer’s distinctive
harmonies though still owing a debt to earlier French composers such as Ravel.
It is exquisitely played as is Messiaen’s
Pièce pour le tombeau de Paul Dukas
(1935) with its firm, decisive chords, beautiful phrasing and fine
We move into the next section, Étude with more Messiaen,
his Île de feu 1 No.1 from Quatre Études
de rythme (1949-50). There are dense rhythmic chords in the opening of this
more advanced piece, with Hill bringing his fine understanding and musicianship
to Messiaen’s varying rhythms and challenging writing.
We then move on to Karlheinz
Stockhausen (1928-2007) with his Klavierstück
VII (1954). Many people fight shy of this composer yet Hill clearly shows
the links that can be made as he carefully phrases and paces this rather
engaging piece. It could tend to sound rather fragmented were it not for Hill’s
ability to reveal the overall structure so well. There is much of Ravel’s and
Messiaen’s ear for tiny details and sonorities in Stockhausen’s writing.
Stockhausen’s Klavierstück VIII (1954) sits very well
with Klavierstück VII not surprising
given that it was the composer’s intension for the works to be played together.
Here we have a more dynamic piece leaping from gentle to more incisive phrases
as though something greater is trying to break out.
With Julian Anderson’s
(b.1967) Etude No.1 from Etudes for
piano (1995- ) we return to a more linear flow yet not without some
demanding writing brilliantly done by Hill.
George Benjamin’s
(b.1960) studied with Messiaen. His Fantasy
on Iambic Rhythm No.1 from Three Studies for solo piano (1982-5) has a
tentative opening that gently leads into a lovely little theme which slowly
develops. There is a little of Messiaen here but Benjamin very much shows his
own individuality in this terrific work that grows in strength as it
progresses. There are some fine rhythmic structures brilliantly handled by
Hill. The piece develops through some strikingly brilliant dynamic passages as
well as some beautifully delicate bars in a formidable performance by Hill.
We next come to Birds
and Landscapes where we return to Messiaen
with his La Traquet stapazin No.4 (Book
2) from Catalogue d’oiseaux (1956-8) where Hill provides an exquisitely
structured performance, perfectly judged, bringing out all of the composer’s
sudden dynamic contrasts and rhythms and the most lovely quieter moments. Hill
displays a rare spontaneity and, indeed, authority.
Henri Dutilleux
(1916-2013) studied with Messiaen’s harmony teacher, Jean Gallon. His D’ombre et de silence No.1 from Trois
Préludes (1973-88) brings lovely harmonies and sonorities in this fine
performance from Hill.
It is sad that Peter
Sculthorpe (1929-2014) died on 8th August this year, too recently for the
booklet notes of this disc to reflect the fact. Stars from Night Pieces (1972-3) follows perfectly with rippling
chords and a fine breadth that evokes a night sky over the vast Australian
outback within its short duration.
Douglas Young’s
(b.1947) River from Dreamlandscapes,
Book 2 (1977-85) also seems like a natural
progression with darker chords in the opening that are repeated before gently
opening out and flowing forward, finding many little tributaries to divert the
ear. Part way through there is a dynamic, incisive section with strong chords
that soon fade to the earlier gentler sounds. It is expertly played here by
We now come to the Premiere Recording of Olivier Messiaen’s La
Fauvette passerinette (1961). Here Messiaen does not use the landscape and
time of day to construct this work as he did in his earlier birdsong inspired
works. This substantial piece was set to mark a new development using just the
birdsongs. But the composer does give a written preface describing the scene.
It opens with a lovely flow as Messiaen’s distinctive intervals are heard as
the fauvette passerinettes Subalpine warbler) sing a duet before the music
introduces other birds, the Sardinian warbler, a flock of spotted cuckoos and
the Orphean warbler. The passerinettes return again as they do in the coda but
not before the other birds have their say. Hill’s ability to reproduce
Messiaen’s rhythms and phrasing is superb. This is an absolutely riveting
Memorial brings Tristan Murail’s (b.1947): Cloches d’adieu, et un sourire… (in memoriam
Olivier Messiaen) (1992) with crystalline bell like sonorities beautifully
phrased by Hill with some especially fine dynamics overlaid with florid
figurations. No collection of 20th century piano music of this
nature would be complete without Toru
Takemitsu (1930-1996) whose Rain Tree
Sketch II (1992) brings all of his refinement and ear for the tiniest
detail. Likewise, Peter Hill’s fine musician’s ear for detail reveals every
little subtlety and nuance.
Finely with the section headed Postlude we return to Messiaen
and his Morceau de lecture à vue
(1934) a gentler, thoughtful early work finely played by Hill and which nicely
rounds off this superb recital.
This superb recital should not be missed and not just
because of the exciting new Messiaen work. All of the other works on this disc
receive superb performances from Peter Hill. The recording made in the Reid
Concert Hall, University of Edinburgh, Scotland is first class. There are excellent,
very full notes from Peter Hill.
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