Of those composers active just before Debussy the names of
Saint Saëns, Fauré and Franck stand out. Yet how much of their music do we hear
with any frequency. Each of these composers tends to be remembered by just a
handful of works.
Such is certainly the case with César Franck (1822 to 1890) who is generally remembered for his Symphony in D, Prelude Choral and Fugue,
Symphonic Variations and perhaps his chamber works. Organ enthusiasts will,
of course, know of his larger works for organ such as Six Pièces pour Grand Orgue (1862).
21.413 (6 CD) |
This new 6 CD box brings together the recordings previously released
on three double CDs. And what fine recordings they are. Hans-Eberhard Roß plays
the Goll organ of St Martins, Memmingen, where he is music director and Cantor, which proves
to be an ideal instrument for the music, much of which was written for the
Cavaillé-Coll organ at Sainte Clotilde where Franck was organist for over 30
years. Such is the completeness of this set that there are a number of premiere
CD1 commences
with Pièce
en mi bémol (1846), possibly Franck’s earliest organ work, an
attractive piece of some substance making a striking opening to the set. Pièce
pour Grand Orgue (1854) shows the more mature Franckian style in a
breathtakingly fine performance. The Andantino in G minor (1856) is a
lighter piece where Roß’s phrasing and choice of registration allows the piece
to maintain its interest.
The Goll organ sounds magnificent in the Fantaisie
in C major where, though often elegiac in nature, it builds to a great climax.
This is just one of three versions of this Fantaisie that are recorded on this
set. Cinq
Pièces pour Harmonium (1856) are
transcribed here for Grand Organ by Louis Vierne. Roß never allows the music to
meander or become static no doubt again because of his astute choice of
registrations. We should be grateful that Vierne allowed this beautiful music
to be brought to a wider audience through his transcription.
After the brief Offertoire in A major (1858), there
is the second version of the Fantaisie in C major allowing us an
opportunity to compare the various versions brought together for the first
time. The Quasi Marcia (1865) that concludes this disc is another
attractive work originally intended for Harmonium and transcribed for this
performance by Hans-Eberhard Roß.
Franck’s Six Pièces pour Grand Orgue (1859-1863)
fill CD2 and include a Fantaisie
Op.16, a work drawn from the Fantaisie in C major, where the range of
the Goll organ is really allowed to show itself and Roß’s playing conveys all
the beautiful nuances of the music. Grande Pièce Symphonique Op.17 (1863)
at twenty three minutes is the longest piece here and is a gloriously effective
work originally called ‘Symphony’ and which appears to have opened up new
horizons for Franck leading eventually to his D minor Symphony of 1886-88.
The Prélude, Fugue et Variation Op.18 is
the perfect foil to the Grande Pièce with Roß maintaining perfect tempi,
dynamics and registrations with wonderful flow and articulation, with a lovely
tune permeating the work. The Pastorale Op.19 has a central dance
like theme whilst the Prière Op.20 is a solemn and stately
piece that seems to have had a poor reception in the past. Franck nevertheless
brings a depth that is quite absorbing, a quality brought out particular well
by this organist.
The Final Op.21 is an organ showpiece
intended for Franck’s own Cavaillé-Coll organ and, in this performance, works
perfectly on the Goll instrument. Dedicated to Lefébure-Wely, there is some
phenomenal playing from Roß.
CD3 contains thirty
nine works of Franck’s Pièces Posthumes pour Harmonium ou Orgue a Pèdales
pour L’Office Ordinaire (L’Organiste II – Part I) (1858-1863). These are often odd pieces that don’t
progress beyond a bar or two explained by the fact that Franck wrote some of
the pieces for an organist friend as guidance for use of his village organ. The
extremely short duration of some pieces suggests that they were intended to be
developed or improvised on. This certainly must be the case in the 18 second
long Amen
in D major.
Included are an Offertoire in F minor, an Offertoire
in C minor and an Elevation
in A major. The Offertoire works in this collection were probably
written for Franck’s own use hence their more substantial length. All are
played here with brilliance and flair. The set concludes with three longer
pieces, a Grand Chœur in C minor, a grand maestoso beautifully played, Offertoire
pour la Messe de Minuit in D minor, a quiet reflective lento and the concluding Offertoire
in G minor a grand finale fabulously played by Hans-Eberhard Roß.
Pièces Posthumes pour Harmonium ou Orgue a Pèdales pour L’Office
Ordinaire from L’Organiste II – Part II (1858-1863) that opens CD4 consists of seven pieces that are
more substantial. There is a lively Sortie in D major, an Offertoire
in F minor brilliantly played with fine contrasts, a lovely Allegro
Moderato in D flat major, two further Offortoires, the B Major having wonderful swagger and the charming Offertoire
sur un Noel Breton. Version III of the Fantaisie in C major follows before the Entrée pour Harmonium an
attractive little work of just under three minutes.
The Paris Exhibition of 1878 called on Franck to give a
series of concerts at the Palais du Trocadéro, which contained a large organ
built by Aristide Cavaillé-Coll. Aside from his improvisations Franck also
played more formal works including the three pieces forming the Trois
Pièces pour Grand Orgue (1878). The first of these pieces is the Fantaisie
in A major, a dark thoughtful work quite densely written in which Roß
brings out the underlying emotion of the work really effectively. The Cantabile
is a long drawn melody concluding with a gentle canon whilst the Pièce
Héroïque has a rhythmic theme leading to a rousing chorale, superbly
played. This CD concludes with two short works, Petit Offertoire pour Harmonium
and an untitled Andante quasi lento pour Harmonium, little known but most effective.
CD5 comprises Pièces pour Orgue ou Harmonium (L’Organiste
I – Part I) (1890) from the last year of Franck’s life. This consists of
six works, each comprising of seven short pieces that make up a satisfying
Firstly there is the 7 Pièces in C major and C minor which includes a wonderful concluding Offertoire. The 7 Pièces in D flat major and C sharp minor
are of a more reflective nature and all beautifully played, whilst the 7 Pièces
in D major and D minor ‘Pour le temps de Noël’ contain a short stirring
allegro, a very ecclesiastical sounding ‘Chant de la Creuse’ and
a Sortie
ou Offertoire that makes a fine conclusion.
The 7 Pièces in E flat major and E flat minor include a gentle andantino and an
equally gentle quasi lento. Roß’s
lightness of touch enables these works to really shine. The concluding Offertoire is a glorious and subtly
varied piece enhanced by the sensitivity of Roß’s playing and choice of
The 7 Pièces in E minor and E major include
a stately, thoughtful prière and a concluding Offertoire
ou communion, a poco lento,
that provides music that is full of subtle detail. The concluding 7 Pièces
in F major and F minor have
an opening Allegretto that allows the Goll organ to show more of what it
can do in the hands of this master organist. In the lento, Roß draws some
lovely textures whilst the final grand sortie gives the Goll organ its head,
with some great playing by Roß.
CD6 has the Pièces pour Orgue ou Harmonium (L’Organiste
I – Part II) (1890) consisting
of three sets of seven pieces. The first are 7 Pièces in F sharp minor and G
flat major with an andantino ‘Air Béarnais’
that has playing full of subtle variety,
a poco
allegro with an intricate little dancing theme beautifully done by Roß and
a restrained Offertoire funèbre to end. The 7 Pièces in G major and G minor ‘Pour
le temps de Noël’ have an interestingly varied poco allegretto before
the hymn like poco lento ‘Vieux Noël’. There is a cheerful and lively allegretto
‘noël angevin’ with a superb choice of registrations, a quietly
introverted quasi lento and a stirring sortie – allegro to end. Here Roß draws
some lovely sounds from the organ.
The final of these sets, 7 Pièces in A flat major and G
sharp minor, opens with a poco maestoso, rather tentative in
its nature, an aptly named allegretto amabile that is light and
jolly, as is the andantino. There is a
grave sounding lento and a concluding sortie that is less striking than
those in the preceding works, being more restrained.
This phenomenal set concludes with the tremendously
difficult Trois Chorals pour Grand Orgue (1890). Choral I in E major is a
beautifully flowing piece that nearly halfway through suddenly opens up with a
grand flourish. The gentler music returns but speeds up to a majestic climax, magnificently
played by Roß.
Choral II in B minor slowly builds to a complex harmony with a
central climax providing some wonderful playing. This is an attractively varied
piece with some amazing playing of the complex passages. There is a tremendous crescendo
towards the end, before the pianissimo coda.
Choral III in A minor
has a terrific opening with some spectacular playing from Roß. Sometimes there
seems little respite for the organist with one new challenge after
another. Halfway through, the music
becomes quiet and meandering before the music builds to a dissonant climax.
The Goll organ of St Martin’s Memmingen is ideally suited to
this repertoire and the acoustic just right, without too much reverberation. The
recording is particularly fine with just the right amount of depth. There are
excellent notes on the composer and the music with full specifications for the
Goll organ. Audite even provide details
of the registrations used and extracts from a film (in German) about the
construction of the Goll organ via their website www.audite.de
Such is my enthusiasm for this set that I could have written
at even greater length about these fabulous performances but I fear I have gone
on too much already.
These performances are unlikely to be matched let alone
surpassed in the near future. Hans-Eberhard Roß is a superb musician and anyone
who failed to catch these recordings when first released should delay no